Resources » Alternate Method of Instructions (AMI) Assignments

Alternate Method of Instructions (AMI) Assignments

Should Premier use an Alternate Method of Instruction day during inclement weather, you will receive specific assignments from your child's teacher via email, Buzz Learning Platform, and Parent One Call System.  Additional links to those assignments will be posted below. 


Students, please use the following links to access your AMI assignments:



AMI Resources and Learning Object Repository (LOR)


Virtual Arkansas has released its Learning Object Repository (LOR) which includes AMI Resources.  For any student who will not have device/internet access at home, Virtual Arkansas instructors have prepared 10 days of AMI work for each of their courses. This printable work can be found under the AMI Offline Activities section of the new Virtual Arkansas Learning Object Repository (VA LOR).  This is currently being added and updated by staff, and a majority of AMI Offline content should be available, with any other missing activities added soon.


For any student who still has access to the internet and a device at home, AMI offline work is not needed. They will simply continue their work in the Virtual Arkansas course.  


In addition to AMI Offline sheets, the new VA LOR includes some digital learning objects that any teacher or student in your school can access for free. We had plans to launch this resource for Arkansas educators and students later in the year, but we are doing an early "soft launch" so you can have some of these resources now. This repository will continue to grow in quantity and quality of subjects, objects, and resources in the years to come.  We welcome any feedback you have on the project.